• Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
I haven’t done a Daiza carving for quite sometime, and today I felt motivated to do so. Using Rosewood I carved this little Daiza in a couple of hours. It still needs a lot of refining and a nice finish. However it really made this rock look good.

Daiza Rough Carving

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• Saturday, November 14th, 2009
The Central Florida Bonsai Club’s program for November was, “How to Photograph Bonsai” and I got to do the photoshoot for the club. I don’t know how many pictures I took, but it was pretty much non stop for hours. While I was doing the photos I was able to slip in one of my trees.

Shohin Blackpine

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• Sunday, November 08th, 2009
Recently I was interviewed by Dick Miller of Gulfstream Tropical Bonsai Journal for the Winter issue of the magazine. It’s always nice to get an oppportunity to tell a little bit about yourself in a publication such as this. Below are thumbnails of the pages, but to read to actual article you’ll have to click on the pages to view it on their website (Password: Tropical)

Interview Page 1

Interview Page 2

Interview Page 3

Interview Page 4

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• Saturday, October 31st, 2009
Sometimes it’s hard to represent nature in a bonsai due to un-natural cuts. However with a little work you can create dramatic aging of your trees to look very natural. My Blue Alps Juniper had a lot of branches removed with the thoughts of adding jins to help with the over all look of the finished bonsai. I really enjoy the color contrast of the reddish bark, bluish foliage and the white jins.
I had removed these branches last year, so the wood was completely dried, and ready for carving. The following images represent the before and after carving. Please keep in mind that Lime Sulfur will be applied after the final carving to bleach the wood white. I used a Dremel tool for the carving and sanding of the jins.

Jin #1 before

Jin #1 After

Jin #2 before

Jin #2 after

Jin #3 before

Jin #3 after

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