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• Friday, September 25th, 2009

I finally realized that I never showed the finished daiza carving for the Suiseki that I did a few months back.  It has been sitting next to my television for a long time and I just recently took the time to complete the sanding and apply a nice fish to it.  I still have a lot to learn but I think this is my best one so far.

Finish Daiza

Finish Daiza

Category: Daiza | Tags: , , Comments off
• Monday, September 21st, 2009

I have been working on this tree for over 7 years now, and frankly have become rather bored with it.  I seemed top heavy most of the deadwood was covered.  So this weekend I had the opportunity to partcipate in a Mary Madison workshop  Since she is the person I bought the tree from in the first place I couldn’t think of a better source for changing the tree style.

Mary Madison

Mary Madison

I didn’t think the tree could be changed all that much because it had been pretty developed in the shape that is was for years.  However I would have let Mary do whatever she wanted to my tree, she’s not called the Buttonwood Queen for nothing.

Mary Madison styling

Mary Madison styling

After a quick history of my tree Mary was actually able to recall collecting the tree years ago.  She didn’t waste anytime making suggestions and pointing out positive aspects of the tree.

Buttonwood after styling

Buttonwood after styling

At times the slightest of changes can make a big difference.  removing the first left branch did everything that I wanted the tree to be.  It now does not look top heavy, more deadwood shows and the entire look of the tree looks better.

• Monday, August 31st, 2009

A few months back I spent a day wiring out this Blue Alps Juniper which was both tedious and painful. Even worse was that today I spent the morning removing the wire which was even more tedious and just as painful. Although the results were worth it. The branches showed very little scaring and held their position without the wire. In a word it was a success.

Blue Alps Juniper Bonsai

Blue Alps Juniper Bonsai

I have big plans for this tree even though it is not one of my larger bonsai.  This looks to be the tree that is pretty much ready for show, so it will be this year’s entry for the 2010 Epcot Flower and Garden Festival.  In fact, this will probably be the photo I submit.  Over the next few months I’ll work to clean up the branches even more and fill in a few bare spots.  That upper right branch could still use a bit of thinning.



Category: Blue Alps Juniper | Tags: , , Comments off
• Saturday, August 29th, 2009

I have had this tree for about 3 or 4 years now, and I had never styled it.  I’ve just been letting it grow out so that I had some branches to work with.  Well today I decided to take a look at it and get some branch structure devloped.

Black Olive pre bonsai

Neea Buxifolia pre bonsai

This is more than a bush than a tree when I first took a look at it.  It does have a nice trunk, good movement and nice nebari.

Black Olive Bonsai initial styling

Neea Buxifolia Bonsai initial styling

As I started removing branches I found a lot of them were not useable, and much of the foliage had blocked new branches from growing on the upper trunk.    However I was able to define the trunk line, and open the tree up.  The first few branches are now defined so it is a matter of developing th etop of the tree.  Speaking about the top of the tree, it is a bit long.  As new branches start I can see what other options I have for creating a new top.