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• Friday, December 12th, 2008

Well last year I attemped my first approach graft on my Trident Maple that was not budding out where I needed it to. Today I got an opportunity to inspect the graft and it looks like it was successful.

The last time I showed the tack the branch was much thinner. However over the year the branch has thinkened, and the graft has really healed.

Here is a close up after the tack was removed. Normally I would clip off the lead branch before the graft. However I think I’ll leave it on a little longer just to be sure that the graft is ready and strong enough to support the branch.

Here is the tree as it looks right after loosing its leaves for the year. I have some wiring to do, but the tree has filled in nicely.

• Sunday, December 07th, 2008

The Kawa Bonsai Club’s, Joy of Bonsai will be held in January and they are lining up a competition for those that participated in the Tokonoma building class last year. All of those that took the class can bring back their Tokonoma with a display set up to compete against each other. Sounds like fun.

Here’s the group from last year in a Photoshop project I did. If you haven’t seen these little displays, you really need to. They are really something special.

Category: Tokonoma | Tags: , , , , Comments off
• Saturday, December 06th, 2008

Today I was able to finish up the Zen garden that I have been working on. It was really just the detail left, and adding more bamboo to the fence that I had started last time.

I added horizontal poles in between the ones that were there from the initial build. It just looked too weak before so I wanted to beef up the look of the screen. I think it really worked and made it look just so much better. I’m really happy with it.

The blisters from last week were almost gone, however I certainly noticed them as I made 16 more lashings .

Here’s another close up of one of the many lashings I used. I was really getting good at them by the end of this project.

So all that is left is just to relax and enjoy. Finally some Zen…

• Friday, November 28th, 2008

So I continued working on the Zen garden today. I had one thing in mind, construct the bamboo screen. The purpose of the screen is to do nothing more than stop the eye from looking at the door behind it.

I wanted to make the screen look authentic so I didn’t use any screws. This entire fence was constructed using lashings. I haven’t done this since my Boy Scout days, but somethings you never forget. Here is a close up of one of the 63 lashings. Needless to say I had just about as many blisters.

From here you can see the door behind the screen that I was trying to distract from. I think it worked, and the light bamboo color compliments the green on the walls and the natural bamboo growing right next to it.

Category: Zen Garden | Tags: , , , , Comments off