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• Sunday, January 30th, 2011

Okay, so there will be times when you are dealing with a very large branch or have a need to change your trunk line. One way to approach this is to use one or multiple large wires to wrap and then bend the branch. However the use of guidewires is a great way to do the same thing with better control and a smaller size wire. In the video I show what I mean:

In this photo you can see the remnants of the initial twist that I did in order to create the loop around the branch and the root.  As you can now see it is twisted as the wire is turned so that it can be all but cut off.

Here is the complete guidewire insalled top to bottom.  Please note that you will want to add some sort of padding at the points where it touches the trees under the wire to protect the cambium.  You need to install before you start twisting the wire