Tag-Archive for ◊ formal upright ◊

• Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Guy Guidry made a stop in Orlando last week for a workshop, and I couldn’t think of a better tree for him to help me with than my new bald cypress.  I’ve always seen it as a weeping style, but he made a few other options.

Guy Guidry sketches

Guy Guidry sketches

Everything from flat top to an extended twin trunk style.  However with a bit of pushing from Mike Rogers we went for the traditional Japanese Formal Upright (shown in the center drawing)

Guy Guidry & Mike Rogers

Guy Guidry & Mike Rogers

In oder to make this style, the main trunk needed to be shortened and smoothed.  Guy couldn’t wait to get the power tools going.  Here is a great shot of him working with Mike Rogers in the background.

Paul Pikel wiring

Paul Pikel wiring

After removing about 4 inches from the top I started the wiring, and I have to admit I have been looking forward to doing this for months now.

Wired bald cypress

Wired bald cypress

Here is the tree with all its branches wired.  I knew that not all the branches would remain but I wanted to get this done prior to styling the tree. 

Initial styling

Initial styling

The tree looks great after its initial styling.  I have a rather big scar to heal over this year and to develop a top.  However this tree should be looking very good by next Winter

• Saturday, April 21st, 2007

Just 4 years ago to almost the day I bought this tree as a pre-bonsai, now here it stands on display at Disney’s Epcot for approx 1.7 million (estimated of course) people to see during the Flower and Garden Festival. It really turned out great, and it is in location that I had hoped it would be. In the following picture shows it proudly displayed in front of the Japanese restaurant. The background colors complement the tree and make for some outstanding pictures. This tree is on display until June 3, 2007, if you get the chance check it out. April 2007

By the way, notice the change in pot. The previous pot was loaned to me and I had to switch it out before the show. However I think this one looks a lot better for this tree.

If you look closely in the center of the picture you can see this tree displayed.

• Thursday, August 21st, 2003

This tree has been in a nursery pot for 4 years. I took it to a Guy Guidry workshop in Aug 2003 nothing had been done to this tree prior to this workshop.

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