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• Saturday, December 13th, 2008

Well Fall is here, and sometimes it even feels like it. In Orlando our weather ranges from the 60′s – 80′s during the day and 40′s – 50′s at night. So most of the time it just feels like a really nice Spring day. However it is officially Fall so I thought I’d take a look at the trees for some evidence.

According to my Bougainvillea it is Spring time and time to flower. The poor thing is a little confused because of our warm weather.

The Crossostephium Sinesis isn’t doing much better and has manage to put out one more flower for the year. Not a very exciting bloom, but still interesting to see.

The Bald Cypress has figured it out and is ready for next year all ready. It has pretty much lost all of its leaves but have a few branches with bud loaded and ready to pop next Spring.

However there is no fooling my Trident Maples. They know it is Fall and time to drop their leaves to prepare for next Sping. This is an exciting and active time in Bonsai because most of the wiring and styling happens while these trees are dormant. Fall colors in Orlando are usually pretty boring so I chose to show this picture in Black and White.