This site is for the sole purpose of presenting and recording the slow transition of nursery stock and pre-bonsai material into developed bonsai.

    Bald Cypress (purchased from Mike Rogers Nursery 2001)                       Orlando Bonsai Store


Still in nursery pot September 2001


Second repotting to straighten surface roots and lower tree into pot.  Also rewired tree.  Notice the additional branches and branch development compared to the picture above.  January 2003


January 2004, Re-wired the new twiggy branches that developed through 2003, Notice also that I root pruned the tree so it sits lower in the pot.  Compared to the picture more of the trunk shows now giving me a fat base and a cleaner look.


Some set backs this year.  During last years hurricanes this tree did not get watered for two days because of the power being out.  By the time I realized it the damage was done.  I wasn't sure of how much, if not the whole tree was lost.  Well it did survive but lost two major branches.  The first is on the right side from right next to the jin.  The second is the middle left where the big gap now exists.   Good news is that the tree has already budded out new growth for the two areas and should fill in nicely this year.  It's a substantial set back because those branches were beginning to develop nicely, but I'm just happy to have the tree healthy and alive.  April 2005  


This tree has recovered very nicely and is putting out new growth after some major pruning earlier this month.  Its good to see. Also for the first time, the crown is beginning to develop.  This will help me to fill in the top of this tree and get it further along onto completing it.  July 2005


Initial styling and repotting 2002


Tree on display at Japanese Pavilion at EPCOT

April 2003




Spring has arrived in Orlando.  This tree looks better every year.  I just love the bright green color of the new growth.  March 2004

In February of 2005 I won a $50 gift certificate from Dallas Bonsai for a photo contest that they hold quarterly.


Well this tree has been through so much last year, but has bounced back nicely.  The branch placement has been done, and it is wired out once again.  At this time the only area that the tree has a weakness in on the first back branch.  That branch was nearly lost last year, and it taking a while for it to grow back.  However the tree is looking good.  This year I plan on developing the top of the tree.  It may have to be shortened, but in any case it needs to be filled in drastically. July 2005

By the way, I submitted  this tree to for the Ben Oki Award.  I didn't win, but they did offer some suggestions:

As a special note I would like to give you the comments made by the judges about your tree :

Quite an impressive trunk. It can be a great tree and more natural and better by doing three things: the primary apex should : Be shorten , Have a round top, Be straight following the straight line of the tree.

Over the Winter I took the advice of the review board for the Ben Oki Awards and shortened the tree.  I am happy with the results, however this tree has turned into a real slow grower.  So it will take a while to develop the top.  Although I think once it has filled in this will be a very nice tree.  March 2006

Bald Cypress
Pond Cypress
Too Little
Chinese Elm
Crape Myrtle
Shohin Ficus
Ficus Nerafolia
Bunjin Cypress
Trident Maple
Dwarf Jade
Splendid Trident Maple
Crossostephium Sinesis
HUGE Trident Maple
Irrigation System












Authorized Joshua Roth Dealer



Case studies last updated: Jan. 2008

Send mail to Paul Pikel with questions or comments about this web site.  

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